Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Strolling through Proverbs

I've been spending alot of time in the book of Proverbs lately and I tell you what...I'm enjoying it! To me, there isn't another book in the Bible that is so relevant to our everyday life.
The next few post's, I would like to take some time to talk about a few scriptures in the book of Proverbs.

Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight (or he will direct your paths)"

1. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart."
Man, that can be a tough one. If there is anyone on this earth whom we can trust can't it be God? But why is it sometimes it IS so tough to trust him? Maybe the word trust has been thrown around by other relationships we've been in. Maybe you've heard the words, "trust me" from another person and that statement hasn't meant much to you.
We are told to trust God with ALL of our heart. Not some of it. Not half of it. ALL of it! When we do, we will experience peace and joy beyond our comprehension.
2. "lean not on your own understanding."
You may be going through something in your life now and asking yourself, "Why am I going through this?" "I don't understand why this is happening." "Why did this happen to my friend?" or "Why didn't I get that big case?".
We are told not to lean on our understanding I believe because OUR own understanding is limited. In other words, we can't see the big picture, only God does! He alone knows what's best and we must trust in that!
3. "in all your ways acknowledge him"
In every area of your life we are to acknowledge God. Through the good and the bad! We are to say, "Lord, I don't know why I'm going through this but I acknowledge your presence! I acknowledge your goodness and I praise you for it!
4. "and he will direct your paths"
When we are truly trusting God in our lives and giving him full acknowledgement of every aspect we not need to worry about where our lives are headed because he is first and foremost in our lives! "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these other things will be added unto you as well." (Matt. 6:33)

Praise you in this Storm

"That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side." Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat."

As believers we must realize that Jesus is always trying to take us places in our Christian walk. He doesn't want us "complacent" in our walk. He doesn't want us to be the same today as we were a year ago, so he must "take" us places.

"A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, dont' you care if we drown?"

As Jesus takes us places through life there will be times where we go through storms. Notice as they were going through this storm Jesus was asleep on a cushion.
Maybe you are going through a storm right now and you are asking yourself, "Does Jesus care what I'm going through?" "How can he "sleep" when I am going through this storm?" We must realize all through Jesus DOES care about what we go through he isn't "caught off guard" by it.

"He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!"
Can you imagine what this scene may have looked like? Lightning! Thunder! Waves crashing over and in the boat and no Jesus waking up! Notice that none of those things woke him but when one of his children called on him...That will preach!...He woke up!

Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?

As sure as the sun comes up we can be sure we will go through storms in life but there will be a point where Jesus steps in and speaks to your storm, "Quiet! Be still!" "That's enough!" My child can take no more!"

What God would teach us through this passage I believe is we need to learn to praise him through the storms of life! We need to see that God is not only good when things are going good but God is good all the time, even when things appear to not be going good! Take heart! God is with you in your storm!


Friday, May 26, 2006

The Price for Freedom

Almost two years ago I came to a turning point in my secular career. My dad was retiring after 24 years with State Farm, five or more of those years which I worked for him, and it was time for me to make a decision. I decided to become an agent myself with the New York Life because I wanted the opportunity to "be my own boss." In other words, I wanted to be free! In charge of my own time! What many don't realize is freedom comes with a price. Yes, I'm able to hunt more, enjoy time with my wife more, and spend more time doing the things I like to do but not without a price! Hard work and unfaltering commitment must be paid for this freedom! In other words, freedom is not free!

Jesus Christ come to this earth to set us free from sin but not without a price! He paid the ultimate price by dying on a cross for our sins that we may enjoy the freedom in Christ we have now.

As we approach Memorial Day Weekend, we must remember the price that was paid for our freedom! We are to honor the dead of those who died in combat for the freedom of others! We have many brothers and sisters in Christ that have given thier lives for the sake of the gospel we need to remember as well.

Enjoy your weekend but remember the freedom with have today whether it be in Christ, in this country, or in any other area there had to be a price to pay! Be thankful!


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

House of Payne wins B-Ball Tournament!

We kicked off the Out of School service tonight with our new worship leader Ian Smith! Man, does the boy have a great voice or what? Glad to have you on board Ian!

Welp, after we wrapped up our youth service it was off to the B-Ball court for our much anticipated B-Ball Championship game! Remember, food is on the line here! (and maybe just a little pride too :)

My team, House of Payne, consisted of Cody Sinclair and Caleb Nance; two of my best buds! We took on Da Balla's who has, up to this point, been undefeated as well! We started off to a quick 5-1 lead but the lead started to fade quick. Before you knew it, the game was slipping from our hands! When it was almost said and done, the game was tied 9-9 when Caleb Nance hit a fading jump shot that won the game for us! Great job Caleb!

So next week it's off to the restaurant of our choice (on Pastor Joel of course). After the game, we were informed by Pastor Joel that the 2nd Place Balla's were going to be able to come along and enjoy a mean with us anyways. I have to say, they played hard and had a great attitude! It's gonna be a blast!

Hope the rest of your week is great and I'll talk to you guys soon!


It's Youth Night!

Welp...it's 4:37 P.M. and the youth ministry service is getting closer by the minute.
Tonight we will be discussing the topic of "Anger Management". Is it wrong to be angry? Is anger controling us or are we controling anger? What does the Bible say about anger? Well, we'll have to see tonight!

We will also be wrapping up our 3 on 3 basketball tournament tonight. My team has made it to the championship game (no it was not fixed) so I will let you know the outcome tomorrow! The winning team will get to go out to eat on and with Pastor Joel next Wednesday night! You know I'm not passing up a free meal so I will see to it my team wins! Somehow, someway :)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Does God trust you?

We've all been asked the question, "Do you trust God?" but another question we need to ask ourselves is, "Does God trust me?" "What do you mean does God trust me?" "Does God trust me with what?" "Or better yet with whom?"

I once heard a preacher say the greatest priviledge to have is for God to entrust us with another human being. Who out there is trusting you? Who out there is counting on you?

Recently, I was ministering in a prison when I asked for a show of hands of all the inmates who had dreams? Amazingly, almost all of them raised their hands! But what happened? How did it end up like this? What went wrong? You see all of them had maybe God given dreams at one time (and still do) but somehow they were crushed! Maybe they lost sight! Maybe they lost focus! Maybe they gave up but nevertheless they had dreams!

Just a few weeks ago I asked all of the leaders (both adults and teens) involved in our student ministry to write down whatever it was they believed God had called them to do. In other words, write down thier God given dreams. As I read over them something inside of me lit up. I am going to do whatever I can (in my power) to help them see thier dreams come true! I am going to encourage them to stay focused on thier dreams and to come against anything that would crush thier dreams! Not to lose sight! Not to lose focus! Not to let thier lives end up in a concrete prison with crushed hopes and dreams.

You see Jesus focused on his inner circle. Not that he didn't care about the masses because he did. But the Father entrusted 12 people which he called his apostles and he spent countless hours with them. Mentoring them, leading them, teaching them, and yes rebuking them when needed. They trusted him and all gave thier lives for him but one.

Whose dream are you trying to help come true today? Who trusts you? Who looks up to you? Who looks to you for help and guidance? Is it your wife? Your kids? That employee "under" you? Make it happen and you will be the one that is successful!

Be blessed!


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Single Moms Night

Life Church West Monroe wrapped up it's Single Moms Night last night with a room full of single mothers in our area whom we wanted to honor.
Let me say this; I've been able to minister in alot of different ways and settings but this comes close to topping it all. Guys, this is what it is all about,serving people!
I had the great honor to wait "hand and foot" and to serve these ladies last night. My motto, "keep the tea glasses full!". Although, it does give you some sort of satisfaction to serve people that is not why we are to serve. We are to serve people not because it makes US feel good but because Jesus commanded us to! We are told to imitate Christ!
Guys, we can reach many people in our area by simply serving them! We reach those whom we serve! I'm all about preaching a straight forward gospel message but we need not more preachers, but far more servants.People are more out to hear what we have to say when they see how much we care and we show them how much we care by serving!
A great preacher once said, "Preach the gospel at all times...and when necessary use words!" Let's live the gospel!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Jail Ministry

"For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

I had the great honor of ministering in U.P.D.C. in Farmerville, LA again last night.
Last time we ministered in this facility we preached in what is called the D.O.C. and they already have a church established in this particular area. We decided to go in a different unit this time to have the opportunity to reach out to inmates where there is no "church" established. As the iron doors closed behind us I realized this was far from the "churchy" setting we had preached in weeks prior. We entered into the very large room of inmates greeted with rap music, inmates giving haircuts, and alot what you would see on the T.V. We made a few rounds shaking hands and talking with several of the inmates until it was time to round them up to have church. Most all of them were very attentive and wanted to hear what we had to say. After we "tag teamed" preached, mobs of them came forward for prayer and we spoke life into them.
I always realize Romans 3:23 applies to EVERYONE. We have ALL made mistakes. Thier mistakes are no different than the ones I have made. Sin is sin and it all leads to the same thing-death! We spoke to them about how God reconciled us to himself through his son Jesus Christ and that all who believed would be saved. We tried to bring hope in a hopeless place, life into a place of oppression, and encouragement to all within the sound of our voice.
I'm always thankful to go and minister there but I'm always thankful to walk out the doors. Thank you Lord for saving me.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Power of Encouragement

"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." (Hebrews 3:13)

A few years ago I was going through a tough time in my spiritual walk when my sister gave me an envelope. Inside that envelope was a card with a page filled with sentences. Now, they weren't just ordinary sentences but sentences that contained words of encouragement! After reading that card I can remember feeling so empowered and encouraged.

Why does the Bible tell us to encourage one another daily? Because I believe the enemy does his best (either through your mind or people) to beat down believers on a daily basis! He knows if he can discourage believers he can weaken them.

In Acts Chapter 4 it tells of a man by the name of Barnabas which meant "Son of Encouragement." Did you know you can have a ministry of encouragement? There are people that need encouraging on a daily basis whom YOU have the power to refresh and encourage! The words you speak to them could change their whole day, week, or possibly life! "He who refreshes others will he himself be refreshed!". If you find yourself feeling down, go find someone that needs encouragement and you might findyourself being the one encouraged!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Wrapping up April and bringing in May

We wrapped up the month of April 2006 this past weekend with a bang.
To start the weekend off, the “Twenty Something” group had a “fast food” picnic at Kiroli Park where we enjoyed eating, fellowshipping, volleyball, and kickball (still sore from that). We always have a wonderful time getting together and Skye and Kyla Hibbard do a fantastic job putting these events together.
After Kiroli Park, Jodi and I went to the home of Cheryl and Joe Lopez where they were wrapping up their “Forty Something” Group. Joe and Cheryl invited Jodi and I to stay the night in their beautiful home in Fiddlers Creek. Joe and I stayed up watching a “cop show” then I hit the sack for some much needed rest after a long week. Saturday morning Jodi and I woke up to the smell of breakfast! Sister Cheryl can cook it up! She made us bacon, eggs, biscuits, grits, potatoes, smoothie drinks, wonderful fellowship! After the wonderful meal, Jodi and I soaked up some words of wisdom from Bro. Joe then headed back home.
Andrew Eastmond was our guest this past Sunday at Life Church. After playing a few songs on his guitar (and boy can he play!) he gave a very timely word from the word of God. We always enjoy Bro. Eastmond coming to Life Church to share each year.
To start off the month of May our Pastor declared a month of prayer and fasting. I am very excited about this declaration and I pray that all of us at Life Church would humble ourselves and pray and seek his face! May we see God do some amazing things in our lives and his church in the month of May!
Let’s remember and pray for our Pastor, Angel, Joe, and Stacie as they are in Jacksonville, Florida this week at the Association on Related Churches Conference that Celebration Church has hosted this week.
Have a great week!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Wrapping up April, bringing in May

We had a wonderful weekend to end up the month of April 2006.

The "Twenty Somethin" group had a "fast food" picnic at Kiroli Park to start off the fun-filled weekend. We ate, fellowshiped, played volleyball, and then had a fun game of kick ball (still sore over that one).
After leaving our "Twenty Somethin" event Jodi and I went to the beautiful home of Joe and Cheryl Lopez who was just wrapping up there "Forty Somethin" group. Joe and Cheryl graciously invited Jodi and I to stay the night in their gorgious home to relax for the night. We call it the "Lopez's Bed & Breakfast"! We woke up Saturday morning to the smell of breakfast! Mrs. Cheryl can cook it up! We had bacon, eggs, biscuits, potatoes, grits, smoothie drinks, and you name it! After eating we enjoyed just soaking in the words of wisdom of Bro. Joe.
We had a powerful service this past Sunday @ Life Church. The worship team did fantastic (as usualy) ushering in the presence of God to prepare our hearts for the word of God. After Andrew Eastmmond played a few songs on the guitar (and boy can he play!) he gave a very timely word for so many of us through the word of God.
To start off the month of May we (Life Church) are declaring a month of prayer and fasting. It is my prayer, that we will humble ourselves before God that it would cause him to move in our lives and in his church! We will see!
Pray for our Pastor, Angel, Stacie, and Joe as they will be traveling to Jacksonville, Florida to be apart of the ARC Conference that Celebration Church and Pastor Stovall Weems will be hosting!
Have a great week!

Have a great week!