Thursday, October 26, 2006

New Series for the month of November!

We will begin an exciting new series this November in the Student Ministry entitled, "Speak The Language."
Next Wednesday November 1, I will be teaching on a message entitled, "Camouflage."

So many times we hide behind so many things in our lives...we "camouflage" ourselves!

It's going to be an exciting service and series! Since it's "Camo Night" be sure and come dressed in your favorite camouflage! There will be free giveaways and funny videos to help relay the gospel!

See you there!

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Will of Suffering

"He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering...Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities: the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed...Yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer..." (Isaiah 53:2-5;10)

Why so much talk lately on trials, trouble, and suffering?! Sometimes we minister best when it is ourselves that are experiencing these things. Doesn't the Bible say in II. Corinthians 1:4 that "God is the Father of compassion and who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have recieved from God."?

The Bible said that Jesus was a man "familiar with sufferings". Do you feel sometimes "familiar with sufferings?" The Bible is full of stories of great men and women of the word who were "familiar with sufferings." Think of Moses, Joseph, Daniel, Elijah, John the Baptist, John the Revelator, and of course...Jesus!

So many times we go through trails or sufferings in our lives and we quickly begin to rebuke the devil. Did it ever occur to us our trials may not be stimming from the devil but...Jesus? In Isaiah it says, it was the Lords will to "crush him and cause him to suffer." But why would God allow that? Remember in Matthew it says, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness...for great is your reward in heaven." I believe if we follow Jesus (regardless of popular teachings) we will suffer and go through trials. Wait, then why should I follow Jesus, that doesn't sound too fun! Remember, we came to Jesus in pursuit of forgiveness, not happiness!

I believe when we are "crushed and experience suffering" God himself is trying to strain the "us out of us". We trully can't be used to the capacity the Father wants to use us in unless..."we die" as Paul would put it. I believe out of intense suffering the man or woman of God is trully manifested.

Back in the day, the way to get the oil out of the grapes was to "crush them". I believe its the same today, the way to get the oil (annointing) out of us is that we be "crushed". Get the us out of us, the me out of me, the flesh to submit, and allow the will of the Father to come forth!

If you are going through it I encourage you to be faithful! The most important thing is our obedience to the Father, even through trials and suffering!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Blessing of Trouble

"In the day of my trouble, I sought the Lord." (Psalm 77:2)

Do the words "blessing" and "trouble" go together??? Many times we think of the phrase "being blessed" means that no hard times come our way. That couldn't be further from the truth. What bigger blessing could there be than to have trouble come our way and it push us to seek after a closer relationship with God! Fun to go through? No! Good for us? Yes! If we allow it!
The cold hard truth is, if it weren't for difficult times or "trouble" some of us wouldn't seek after the Lord. Sometimes, God has to allow hardships to come our way to humble us and cause us to turn our hearts in burning passion to him!

A few days ago we had a powerful storm come through our area. Many people got up to 10 inches of rain that day. It was dark, stormy, and gloomy that day! Trees were down, roofs were leaking, and streets were filled with water. The next day I woke up and couldn't help but realize how beautiful the morning looked. Birds singing, blue skies, and a bright yellow sunshine! The day before was quite different but today was a new day! The moral of the story? The good thing about storms are they pass!

Maybe you are going through troublesome times right now. At work. In your marriage. Financially. May your heart be turned in seeking the Lord and this storm too shall pass!

Monday, October 16, 2006

My Pastor

My Pastor

My Pastor loves the Lord with all his heart.
My Pastor loves and cares for people.
My Pastor is a great friend to me.
My Pastor is my personal mentor.
My Pastor is someone I can talk to.
My Pastor is someone who will listen.
My Pastor is an instrument God is using in my life.
My Pastor has been there for me.
My Pastor is someone whom I respect.
My Pastor is a spiritual person yet is down to earth.
My Pastor keeps going when his faith is attacked.
My Pastor keeps loving when its difficult to.
My Pastor looks out for my best interest.
My Pastor has served faithfully in the ministry.
My Pastor has vision.
My Pastor has given his life to missions.
My Pastor helps those who can't help themselves.
My Pastor has given unselfishly.
My Pastor has invested time.
My Pastor has worked hard.
My Pastor has trusted God.
My Pastor has seen God work miracles.
My Pastor is some folks hero.
My Pastor is authentic and real.
My Pastor is someone I can lean on.
My Pastor prays for me.
My Pastor counsels me.
My Pastor fights the devil.
My Pastor is a giver.
My Pastor is deserving to be thanked for who he is and what he has done.

Thank you Pastor Joel for being a great Pastor! Happy Pastor Appreciation Week!

Your friend,


Monday, October 09, 2006

Movie night set for this Wednesday...

We started a new series last week entitled, "Facing the Giants." We read about the story of David and Goliath and then talked about Facing the Giant of temptation in our lives.

This Wednesday, the student ministry will meet at Tinseltown at 4:15 to watch the newly released movie entitled, "Facing the Giants" which will begin at 4:45. To learn more about this picture visit

See ya Wednesday!
