Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Identity Crisis

Well, today we are preparing for our student ministry service we will be having tonight. Tonight we are going to touch on a very hot topic amongst teenagers in America today. Identity and Insecurities. We will be learning lessons from the life of John the Baptist concerning these things.

So many teenagers today have lost thier identity! They don't know who they are anymore! They've allowed others to dictate who they are and Satan is molding them into what he wants them to become! Insecure, they go along not being confident in who they are in Christ. Insecure, they don't know thier purpose. Insecure, they put others down and criticize only so they can feel better about themselves.
But John, he knew who he was. He was confident in who he was in God. He said he was "the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord." (John 1:23) John had a mission and purpose and he wasn't going to allow others to change that!

What about you? Do you know who you are anymore? Are you confident enough in Christ to be who he has called you to be? Or do you have to follow the patterns of the world to feel good about yourself always needing everyone else's approval? Which will it be? God's approval or man's?

Pray for us as we minister God's word tonight!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Life Giver

"I have come that they may have life..." (John 10:10)

For the past several months now we've seen trees with no leaves, grass that's dead, and lifeless surroundings in nature. Over the past few days something has taken place. Life! Tree's now are budding! Life is springing up through the ground! Green is popping up everywhere! Things that were once dead are now alive! God has brought life through the Spring season that is approaching!

At one time, we too were without life. We too were once "dead in our sins." Formless, void, empty, lifeless! We were like the tree's with no leaves and the dead brown grass with no green. Like nature in the winter, we too appeared not to be coming back to life. Dead. Without hope. That is until God sent Jesus Christ to bring life to us! We are now alive in Christ Jesus! We are like the fresh Spring season! New! Fresh! Alive!

I encourage you as you drive down the road the next few days to notice all the "life" that God is bringing through Spring and thank him for the "new life" he has given you through Christ!

Be blessed!


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Fusion Night...Aftermath

Fusion-the merging together of two different components to form one union.
Last night God's people didn't allow age, culture, or differences to come in between them. Fusion took place. A merging together took place for the sole purpose of worshiping the Lord our God.
Wow! Wasn't it awesome to see several different generations come together and worship God!? Worship was dynamic! Thank you Jesus for your wonderful presence!
God is really doing some awesome things at Life Church WM! I stood in awe last night as I reflect on what God has done just in the student ministry alone at Life Church. The vision is trully coming to pass!
I want to thank all the adults @ Life Church for making a great showing! Thank you for coming and supporting the Student Ministry! I'm proud to be apart of such an awesome church and around so many great people! I'm already looking forward to our next "Fusion Night" and I hope you are to!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Post Service...

We had a great night in the "Xtreme Diner" where we hold all our student ministry services. We had a good number of teens as well as adult leaders that came out to worship. Andre' and the worship team did a fantastic job ushering in the presence of God to till up our hearts to recieve the word of God. We preached a simple but yet VERY straightforward gospel message tonight as well. Are you born again? That was the question that was presented to our teenagers tonight. We had 8 respond to receive Christ tonight and we consider that a "win" for the kingdom.
We pray that we will be able to help them "grow up" in thier faith with Christ as they face the daily issues of life.
Please continue to pray for our student ministry team as we continue to go forward in our mission.
Have a great rest of the week!