This past Wednesday night we "merged" together with the adults at Life Church West Monroe for our second "Fusion Service." We didn't allow the differences in our age and culture to divide us but united for the sole purpose of worshipping Jesus Christ! And worship him we did! The worship team did the BEST I've ever seen them do in leading us into the presence of God. (Guys, I'm proud of you!) The worship team overcame alot of obstacles satan threw thier way this week but as the word says, "we are more than conquerors." Anytime the enemy comes at you so hard look out, you just may have a move of God on the horizon!
We had a message from the word of God concerning Guarding our testimony on how we as Christians are "Not for Sale." We had a wonderful time of ministry at the end of service praying to God for people who came forward in faith for prayer!
Thank you Jesus for showing up and thank you everybody for all your hard work in putting this together! Thanks Pastor Joel for allowing us to come over and share the service with us!
God Bless...Beck
IT WAS AWESOME!! Your word was awesome too. Thanks for everything, and for giving us the opportunity to serve under you. You are such a blessing! WE THREW IT RIGHT BACK IN SATANS FACE! We were determined to make it through this fusion service, and not only make it through but make it a success! YOU DID AWESOME!!!!!!!
Hey Beck!
Tonight was one of the most amazing services our youth has every had! You had an amazing message, And the worship was awesome! You are doing a wonderful job with everything you do! We couldn't have made it these three years without ya'll! Can't wait for the next Fusion! (Can you believe it 105?)
Hey girls!
I agree! Isn't God AWESOME!!! I love you guys!!! Thanks for all your help!
The service was alive. I thought the Praise band really got the service going. If anyone sitting in the congregatipn did not get fired up, they better check their heart beat. then you followd up with a challenging message. Todays' teens have the greatest challenge that any generation has ever had. as far as morals are concerned. But the gretest challenges are to those teens who have served on the battlefield; no matter what war. From the Civil War up until the current Iraq War. It is hard for your mom and I to find a movie that is decent, but THE INVICIBLE fit the bill. You all should go see. We enjoyed your service. dad
great job at fusion, beck! i could really sense God's presence!
Yes, it was a wonderful service and God did show up! Wonderful worship and wonderful message! Back up devil!
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