Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Family Church Beach Trip Devotion-Day 4

"Oh my son, give me your heart. May your eyes take delight in following my ways." Proverbs 23:26

As parents, one of the greatest victories we can experience in life is to win our children's heart over. When we "have the heart" of our child through meaningful relationship, we have access to speak into the deepest most important parts of their lives. Have you ever tried to have spiritual conversations with a child or teenager without first having won their heart over? It's not easy!

Making "heart connections" with your child or teen takes time. It takes intentionality and purposefulness in every day life. Be watchful of the opportunities to spend time doing things with them that they enjoy doing.

"As the scriptures say, 'A man leaves his father and mother and is joined together  to his wife, and the two are united into one.' Eph. 5:31

God desires for their to also be unity and oneness in the marriage relationship. The enemy will do everything he can to hinder the unity in a marriage. You have the opportunity tonight to make a "heart connection" with your spouse. It takes time, effort, hard work, and lots of prayer to maintain a sense of unity in your marriage. But, when that is maintained and built upon, there is such power and satisfaction in that relationship!

So, as you go about your day watch for opportunities, or better yet; make opportunities to connect with your children and teens. Go boogie boarding or shopping. Maybe build a sand castle with your little one, go to Waterville, or play some volleyball with your teenage son. Tonight, make an effort to tell your spouse the things you love about them. Pray and ask God to bring true unity to your marriage!

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