Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Family Church Beach Trip Devotion-Day 3

In Luke 10:30-37, we read of a Jewish man that was attacked by robbers and left for dead. First, a priest noticed the man and his condition, but failed to do anything about it. If anybody should have cared for  and had compassion on a man in need shouldn't it have been a priest? Next, a Levite actually noticed the Jewish man and walked over to take a closer look, but still decided to not get involved. Last, the most unlikely of all people noticed the Jewish man and actually took action--a Samaritan. This man not only took care of the injured Jew, but went "the extra mile" bandaging his wounds, putting him up for as long as his money would last, and offered to cover any expenses that went over what he had. What is amazing about this scenario is Jews and Samaritans didn't associate with each other--they weren't "apart of each others circle."

Sadly, sometimes as believers we never take the time to notice others who aren't apart of our "circle". Sometimes thier "needs" or "injuries" cause us to want to look the other way and not take the time to get involved. I encourage you today, take some time to look at someone who isn't apart of your "circle." What are some things you could do to show you care? Maybe you could take time to listen,  invite them over for coffee and dessert, or just take some time to get to know them a little bit better.

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