Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It doesn't always have to be like that

“The council then threatened them further, but they finally let them go because they didn’t know how to punish them without starting a riot. For everyeone was praising God for this miraculous sign-the healing of a man who had been lame for more than forty years.” (Acts 4:21-22)

In Acts 3 Peter and John prayed for a man in the name of Jesus Christ to be healed-it worked. When I read in Acts 4 verse 22 the statement that amazes me is this; “the healing of a man who had been lame for more than forty years.” More than forty years! For forty years this man could not walk! For forty years this man had to beg! For forty years this man didn’t know what it was like to take a walk outside. For forty years this man didn’t know what it was like to take a jog in the park! He had been crippled and in this state for a long, long time. I wonder if this man had gotten “use” to his condition. I wonder if this man thought to himself “I will always be like this-nothing will ever change.”
Sometimes like the man who had been crippled for more than forty years we think our situation will never change. We say, “I’ve struggled with this all my life and I probably will always struggle with it.” “My marriage has been rocky for a long time and it will never get better.” “I’ve been praying about my families salvation and nothings changed.” We get into this mentality that just because it’s always been like this or that so it will always be. Well, Jesus proved that wrong. He stepped into a man’s life that had been crippled for over forty years and changed that man’s situation!
Well, what situation have you been in and seem like you will always be in? Your marriage? Your ministry? Your finances? It doesn’t matter if it’s been like that for five, ten, or even forty years, God can and will step in!
Trust Him with it!


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