“All the believers were agreed in heart and mind. They didn't claim that anything they had was their own. They shared everything they owned. With great power the apostles continued their teaching. They gave witness that the Lord Jesus had risen from the dead. And they were greatly blessed by God. There were no needy persons among them. From time to time, those who owned land or houses sold them. They brought the money from the sales. They put it down at the apostles' feet. It was then given out to anyone who needed it.” (Acts 4:32-34)
Did you notice in the above passage that in the early church we read about in Acts there were “no needy persons among them.” Why was that? And why don’t we see that today? The reason there were “no needy among them” was because nobody claimed that their possessions were there own! How far have we come from that day in time? Quiet the opposite! We see popular Christian TV where people are literally braggin about there “big houses, cars, horses, and so and and so on! Guess what? It’s not yours, its Gods and we must give an account of how we used our resources to help others!
Earlier in the year my family was given a prophetic word during a very difficult transition in our lives. We were told to write down the date of this particular day the word was given because one year from then we would look back and be amazed at what God has done! Well guys, we are barely 6 months from that word and let me share with you what God had done. He has placed me in full-time ministry at a phenomenal God-fearing church. He has allowed Jodi to minister at home with our daughter plus allow her to be on staff with me here at church. Many of you know that God gave us a small house and 8 ½ acreas 5 years ago. It is a private beautiful place out in the country but the living conditions aren’t the best. As a matter of fact many living in different countries have lived better. With a 90 year old house come 90 year old problems. We have not had central air/heat for the past 5 years. God spoke to some young brothers/sisters within our small group and they have blessed us with not only central air/heat but we wil begin soon on renovating our entire house! Praise be to God! I wish I had the time to testify about all the great things God has done! Great is His faithfulness!
What if we were a church (as a whole) with no “needy” among us because the giving and sharing of our resources were so great? I’m honored to be apart of a body where there is an abundance of giving done “quietly” and without letting the “left hand no what the right is doing.”
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