Saturday, January 27, 2007


Day 7 Obedience

“To obey is better than sacrifice…” (I. Samuel 15:22)

It’s not how well you can speak. It’s not how good you can look. It’s not even about how “anointed” one is, the question is, “How obedient can you be to Christ?” This 21 Day Fast is about being obedient to the Lord. Yes, it is about sacrifice but more than that it is learning how to be obedient. He has called us to become fully devoted disciples of His Son, Jesus.

We had a wonderful time of fellowship and ministry last night at the home of Joe and Cheryl Lopez. Yes, Jodi and I were about 30 years younger than anyone there but hey, we can learn something from our elders. Actually, we can learn a lot. Not only did we like the spirituality of our “elders” but also their attitude. Not once, did we hear a negative comment come forth from their mouth about any body or group of people. Can you say, “Wow”!
After a wonderful time of fellowship, Sister Cheryl brought a timely and I believe prophetic message to us from the word of God. After that we (the people) ministered to several people there; several prophecy’s and words of knowledge came forth to edify and build up the saints. This reminded me of how the saints met in homes in the early church in the Acts of the Apostles. It was a great meeting. Thank you Joe and Cheryl for always opening your home!

Keep going guys!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for coming to see me Saturday and for praying for me! That meant a lot to me (even though you thought I was dying!)

Anonymous said...

You know the info we get is hardly ever accurate! LOL! Hope you are feeling better! We love ya and are praying for you.