Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Family Church Trip Fun!

So after church Sunday we grabbed a quick bite to go and we were off to the races! The Collies caravaned with us since we all have young children (which means we stop alot). We arrived and ate at the "Barrel" then unloaded at the condo. The lady folks went off to Wal-Mart to do the grocery shopping and us boys watched the kids and tried to find the local Outdoor Channel.

Yesterday families got settled and chilled at the beach. Families arrived most parts of the day and just got settled. We had the Calhoun's over last night for a killer supper then a card game afterwards.

Today we have hung out again at the beach and played some volleyball. My kids are loving the beach and my wife is "Super Woman" taking care of all the so many things that moms take care over. Thank you Jodi!

I love my Family Church Family!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

AW! You are so welcome. I love being your wife and the mother of your children. It is a dream come true :)