Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Give a good gift today

"Every good and perfect gift comes from above." (James 1:17)

I have often thought to myself many times on how badly I wanted to do things for people but didn't have the finances or resources to do it. So what do you do when you have a heart to give and to bless people but don't have the means to do it?

You know some of the most precious gifts you can give someone doesn't cost anything. As a matter of fact money can't even buy it! You know it doesn't cost anything (but your pride) to say a kind word to someone today. It doesn't cost anything to shoot them a quick email to let them know you are thinking of them. It sure doesn't cost anything to give someone a nice, big hug either. So during your day you can bless people with your hugs or kind words to lift them up.

I encourage you to go and give freely today!

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