Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Help or Hinder?

"Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in your power to do it." (Proverbs 3:27)

This past Monday night as I watched seniors from a local high school participate in their graduation ceremony I noticed a young man with down syndrome. As this young man walked up to get his diploma the entire senior class rose to their feet in applause. This so touched my heart as I stood and watched these young seniors help make this special day even more special by helping someone who was “less fortunate” embrace his moment on the stage.

I couldn’t help but think to myself, “You know, why can’t we as human beings do more to help each other than to hinder one other?” We are all trying to make it victoriously through this journey we call life and it would be much easier for one another if we helped one another out. So many times we hinder each other rather than help. We become jealous of another persons good fortune instead of joyful. We talk bad about others instead of trying to find something good in them. We tear others down instead of building them up. We give up on others too easily instead of being optimistic. We doubt each other instead of giving one another a chance. We hold people back instead of helping them move forward!

So who is in your life right now that needs you? Who has God placed in your path that you could help take another step in life? Who at this time point needs a timely word of encouragement and you have that word? Who needs you to believe in them? Who needs you to give them a second chance? Who needs your prayers? Who needs your support?

Help…not hinder!

Be blessed in Jesus name!

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