Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Fear Not!

“Fear not. I am with you so don’t be afraid.”

These were the words the Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart this morning as I sat still waiting for Him (the Holy Spirit) to speak.

It is a comforting thought to know that the one who has my life in his hands tells me to not be afraid because he is with me. I don’t know who is all with me. I don’t know who is praying for me. Maybe you read this blog and don’t even like me but I do know this; God is with me so I shall not fear!

Let me ask you a question. What keeps you up at night? No, I don’t mean your screaming newborn baby! But what keeps you up at night? What weighs heavy on your mind? What “fear” tries to grab you by the throat and choke the life of God out of you? Fear of failure? Fear of man? Fear of losing the honor of man? Fear of losing everything? Fear of the enemy? Maybe you are afraid of the unknown? Maybe you are fearful that your kids could be gunned down as they sit in a classroom? Maybe you have stepped out in faith not knowing where the road may lead and you are afraid.

As my family and I have embarked on this journey we have an uncompromising mission; to be completely obedient, fully-devoted, and uncompromising in our walk with Jesus Christ; regardless of the cost! We have seen the Lord penetrate the darkness. We are seeing the Lord bring us out of this tunnel that seemed to be never ending. We are seeing something come about in the desert we couldn’t see a few months ago. We are seeing the hand of God move in our lives! We are seeing doors of opportunities that have been closed start to open. We are seeing doors that needed to be shut, close. We have abandoned all this world would have to offer to see Christ come alive in our lives and to “finish” the calling he has upon our lives. When you come to that conclusion fear will try to wrap his devilish hands around your throat and choke the life out of you. He will try to show you all that you have “missed out on.” It (fear) will try to bring his demon friends of doubt, unbelief, anxiety, and more of his fearful friends. As Jesus said in the gospel of Mark, “This kind (demon) only comes out by prayer and fasting.” As a Pastor of uncompromising values said this past Sunday, “Some demons won’t leave until you’ve been given to prayer and fasting.” Well then, they will leave because we will be given to that. They will leave because when they look at us I pray they see the Lion of the Tribe of Judah staring them back in the face with a mighty roar! He is with us! He is with you!

Don’t let fear dictate your life. Don’t allow fear to control your emotions. Don’t let fear be the deciding point of your decisions. Don’t let fear cause you to back down from the forces of evil. Stare it right in the face and say as David said, “The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread? (Psalm 27:1)

No fear! I love you and I pray for many of you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would have to say this is my favorite blog so far! Wow! That is all I can seem to say is "Wow"!
I KNOW you heard this word from God himself! Keep it up!