Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Prison Ministry Update

I had the honor to accompany Hope Street Ministires last night to minister in Union Parish Detention Center which we've done now for the past several years.

I opened up out of Romans 4:18-25 for about 15 minutes followed by two other ministers of the gospel. We had the opportunity to minister (pray) for several inmates in response to the word of God.

The Bible says in Proverbs 13:12, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."

We talk and minister to literally hundreds of inmates who have lost all hope in life. They live or should I say die daily in hopelessness. What a sad place to be, hopeless. Some have seen their lives literally lay in ruins as Satan has taken them captive to do his will. Let me say this, apart from Jesus Christ none of us has a hope in the world! We are hopeless without a relationship with Jesus! Thank the good Lord he came to "set the captives free!" As we minister through the word of God it is not chained and the truth that comes from the word under the anointing will "set them free."

Remember, you come across people "behind bars" daily who do not know Jesus Christ. They are at your work, they are in your home, they are walking the streets and yes; they are in churches! We are all "in prison" without the freedom that comes through knowing Christ!


Anonymous said...

There is no stronger scripture that describes when you are disappointed by your life. but you give those prisoners a chance to be outside those walls when you are there.

Anonymous said...

Keep on preaching to those guys...they listen to you because they know you are real.