The family was designed and ordained by God (even before His church). With that being said, I believe the family is very, very close to the heart of God. The Bible says, "If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?" (I. Timothy 3:5) This verse is addressed to fathers who are to be leaders of the church and it also demonstrates how very important the family is to God! Giving vital attention to the family even comes before "ministry" in God's church! If we fail to have effective relationships in the family we can hurt our ability to be effective when we reach out to others.
We live in a society where the family picture has been tainted! Divorce is rampant in America, even amongst the church. We are now seeing "Holy Matrimony" being legalized for homosexual partners. We are seeing these unordained events take place while innocent children are being adopted into these situations. How will this effect these children, our society, our future?
The word of God says, "A house divided will not stand." I believe there has been an all out assualt from Hell on the family. Why? Because Satan knows strong families build strong churches and he doesn't want that to happen! He has been attacking the family since Genesis, "the beginning!
I encourage you to take your "small group" or "family" very seriously. Pray over them, spend time with them, love them. God has ordained the family!
Be blessed,
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