Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Get some rest

"The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said, to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." (Mark 6:31-31)

The apostles had just returned to report to Jesus everything they had done in their ministry! Lives saved! Miracles! Healings! Their time was consumed by the many people that needed their help that they didn't even have time to eat! Talk about busy! What Jesus was saying here was, "Guys, that is great!" "But don't forget, activity doesn't always mean productivity". You need not get the two greatest commandments confused, "First, love the Lord, then love your neighbor as yourself." Don't get too busy ministering to people you forget to minister to God! Don't lose your relationship with God by being so "busy."

Jodi and I are currently enjoying a very much needed vacation/business /anniversary trip in Anahiem, California awarded to us by the NYL, the company I represent. I can't remember the last time I slept so good during the night. I popped up early around 5:45-6:00 and "went away with the Lord by myself to get some rest." We are "resting in the Lord this week". Sometimes we need to refresh ourselves not only spiritually, but emotionally, physically, and mentally as well.

We kicked it by the pool today and tomorrow we go to Disney Land followed by Laguna Beach Thursday. I've been to some very great business meetings with thousands of other NYL agents literally all over the U.S. The company has really gone above and beyond to show thier appreciation to all the agents. It was for sure worth all the hard work. Tonight, we will enjoy a wonderful dinner banquet and have the opportunity to meet and have our picture taken with CEO Sy Sternberg.

Jodi and I will celebrate our "4th Year" Wedding Anniversary on the 28th this week. Man, took me four years to get this girl right...(Just messing). Jodi, thank you for four wonderful years! Each year has gotten better! Pastor and Angel, thank you for working with us through all of the "bumps" along the way! God used you mightily in our lives and still does til this day! We love you very much!

Been too busy this week? Even busy doing "spiritual" things? Go in your room, close the door and be with God! He is calling you! Can you hear him? Over the hectic schedule, can you hear him calling? Over the cares and worrys of the world, can you feel him drawing? Go rest in him! Get some rest spirit man!


P.S. Go Saints!


Anonymous said...

Beck, that was very awesome! I think so many times we as Christians and especially leaders feel guilty for resting. I truly believe God wants us to work hard but I also believe that he wants us to STOP and enjoy some of the beautiful things he created - why would have he made them if he didn't want us to enjoy them? Anyways, thanks for 4 wonderful years! I love you so much and words can't describe how proud I am of you. I am honored to stand by your side. I love You.

Anonymous said...

Beck and Jodi,

Congratulations! You are an awesome couple and we love you both so much. Enjoy the rest! Hey, I slipped into the youth service tonight. They were rocking! We can't wait to see you guys when you get back. Have a blast!
