Wednesday, February 22, 2006


"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven..." (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

My most enjoyable times or should I say, "seasons" of the year is during the fall months. I greatly look forward to this time of the year because the weather is cooling off, hunting season is here, and the holidays are upon us! Sometimes I think to myself, "Wouldn't it be great if we could just stay in this mode all year!?" If that were the case I would almost bet I wouldn't appreciate this "season" of the year like I would if there weren't other seasons that took place in different times of the year.
It's kind of like our journey with God...As believers we will go through different "seasons" in our lives. While some may be very pleasant, there will be others that we would rather "skip through" or avoid all together! What I've learned is "there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven" and God wants to teach us something through each of these seasons we go through in our spiritual journey.
So what type of season do you find yourself in currently? What is God trying to teach or say to you right now? Learn to appreciate the time or season you are in right now! You'll be able to appreciate the more enjoyable seasons once you've experienced the difficult ones. You can make it!


Anonymous said...


Glad to see your Blog up and running. You have a real gift for writing and sharing spiritual truths through that means. So, get busy sharing your heart through this Blog. I am proud of you!


Anonymous said...

Hey Beck!
Great blog!! One of the coolest ones I've seen HAHA!
I think I got your comments fixed !! !:)

Anonymous said...

Let's try again...I think I already told you this but that post was meant for me! Thanks and I'm ready to read more...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good Word Brother! God uses and will continue to use you in a mighty way Brother!

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Beck you have blessed me! Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 is my favorite bible scripture. To me is poetry and truth at it's best. It pretty much sums up so much. You did that as well in the Seasons portion of this write up. What is so amazing about God's word, is that it's right on time! My bishop it actually during a series on this. That is what is so good about God, his word is always on time and it's truly universal.

Blessing and Success to you!

Andrea Boyd