Wednesday, July 11, 2007


"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-38)

Why do so many people burn out in ministry? Why do so many people burn out in life? Why are so many people so tired all the time? Although many answers could be given to these questions I believe one main reason for burnout is we as Christians can stay so busy. So what is wrong with that? Aren't we being productive? Aren't we doing "ministry"? Aren't we expanding the kingdom?

So much emphasis these days is put on the "doing" (ministry) instead of the "being" (our relationship to God and holiness). You see we can keep our schedule so full sometimes that we begin to neglect what is the most important relationship we will ever have-our relationship to God. We begin to become spiritually empty, dry, and void while we are dressed in our religiousity. We spend time with others "ministering" while our time with God becomes less and less. Also, other very important relationships begin to suffer including your relationship to your husband, wife, or children. Do we win others all the while losing those closest to us in the name of God? Doesn't the Bible talk about managing our own homes before we can manage others (the church)? You can't live for God on an empty tank. Eventually you will run out.

I encourage you today to stop and see where you are placing most of your time, energy, and efforts. Maybe it is time to reevaluate some things?


Anonymous said...

soooo true! great post. on a similar note, check out and click on surveys at the top. I got the link from dino's blog...this is an author who is surveying as many people as possible in ministry in preparation for writing this book about the plague of church/ ministry burnout. there is also a survey for wives. speaking of...give jodi a big hug for me! :)
~mrs. o

Beck Payne said...

Sorry I keep missing you guys. Thanks for the comment! Talk to you guys soon!